Today is the day.

After three long years, MIDWEST MADE is now officially on sale. WOW.


I can’t believe it. And yet in some ways, it feels like this book should have always been out in the world, as it’s always been a part of me. It just took some not-so-gentle nudging from the universe and a big move back home to bring this book out of me. When the great Toni Morrison passed not too long ago, I was reminded of one of her many gorgeous, eloquent thoughts. “If there's a book you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.” And for me that book is Midwest Made.

When we moved back to Illinois after more than 12 years of California living, I wasn’t really sure what I’d do next, but I knew I wanted to reconnect with the place I grew up through food and food stories, and to share it with my kids so that hopefully they’d never feel like they had to leave this place in order to appreciate it, like I did. I looked through countless vintage and community cookbooks, and previously published titles focusing on the Heartland, but none of them had quite the vibe that I was after, to have all the very best of midwestern baking and all of its stories (but still feeling useful and modern!), in one place. Before I knew it, I was testing recipes and writing a book proposal, and now here we here, October 22nd, 2019, a date that always seemed so far away.

But she’s here! In all her hefty, full-color, matte papered, anti-scuff covered glory. And I am so excited and proud to share it with you all.

For those of you who pre-ordered, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Those pre-orders will allow for this book baby to have a strong start, and I’m so grateful for that all-important boost. (If you missed it on Instagram last month, I shared that we actually had to go back to the printer before publication!) If you haven’t grabbed your copy yet (or a couple extra for holiday gifts!), just visit the book page for some online options, or better yet, support your favorite local brick-and-mortar bookstore and buy from them.

As you work through the recipes, don’t hesitate to reach out with questions and comments, and if you post anything on Instagram, be sure to tag me @shaunasever, so I can share your creations far and wide! 

Thank you again for all your support for this very special book. I’ll be announcing some book events very soon!

Love, Shauna

Shauna Sever